Monday 2 July 2012

Juanita Week Six


Day one

Woke up at 10, usual routine then off to work.  Worked hard for most of the shift but just couldn’t keep it up.  Eased off towards the end so didn’t quite make it to the next level, still earned §742 today though.  Early night for me quick shower and bed. 

Day two

Usual routine and went to work.  Today was an easy one at work and I made it to the next level.  I am now a Sous Chef.  I got a bonus of §1,620 on top of my day’s pay of §652.  I’m going out to celebrate.  Went to the karaoke bar.
When I got there Frank was singing and he too didn't do very well.  In fact he was being heckled by a few of the onlookers, even a dog was there howling at the top of its lungs, although why there was a dog in the bar I have no idea.  
I was in a good mood and like I said I was celebrating so I ordered a round of drinks for everyone.  The barman handed them out.  
I talked to Frank after he finished his song.  I tried to make him feel better.  I told him not to worry everyone sucks at karaoke, as long as you are having fun that's all that matters.  I don't know where the time goes it was now closing time and I was so tired.  4am and just going to bed.  

Had to pay bills first though.

Day three

Woke up just in time to go to work, but I am fully rested and have the next 2 days off. 
Frank came into the diner today.  It seems everywhere I go I keep running into him.  I wondered if he was stalking me.  He finished his meal just as I finished my shift, another well earned §833 in the kitty. 
We chattered outside.  I asked him if he was following me. 
He said yes, but laughed at the same time.  I wasn’t sure if he was joking or not.  I discovered that he was ambitious like me, and we were getting along well, but I was cautious, and remembering past efforts I decided to make sure he was not attached to anyone before making the next move.
 He said he was single, then asked in a provocative way asked if I wanted to change that.  Frank was flirting with me and I liked it. 
So I asked if he wanted to watch the stars with me, he said yes. 
We were getting along swimmingly, having so much fun I didn’t realise the time. 
It was now 4am. I invited frank back to my place where we talked some more then this happened. 
We both liked each other
so we kissed and finally
woohooed right there in the open.  Wow!

Day four

The next day we slept through most of it.  In the evening I showed frank the garden and told him about my plans. 
He said he wanted to be an international spy and was working towards that. 
He helped me harvest the fruit and as we worked together we talked.  Finally I got the onion I needed to take to work. 
Frank turned on the sprinkler and soaked me,
so I joined in the fun,
but I really needed a shower
and he joined me for that too. 
Frank went back to bed while I took the produce to the Grocery store.  I got §425 for them.  As I came out my mind began to wander, I was thinking about Frank.  Yes I think I’ve found my other half, but just to be sure I’d have to ask him out on a date. 
We didn’t go anywhere
just made out a lot

and had a pillow fight.


Then I asked him to move in with me, and he said yes.  It was then that he told me that he’d been watching me for awhile. 
It was he who’d arranged for me to be invited to the parties.  I was flattered and pleased that he felt the same way I did.  Frank moving in greatly increased our funds.  Our funds, I like the sound of that, no more me or mine it was now us and ours. 

Day five

We’d been having so much fun we hadn’t realised it was morning.  I went back to bed while Frank went to get a job.  He hadn’t got one yet as he’d just move to Union Cove and was too busy trying to get with me.  He came back having landed himself a position as a snitch at the local police force.  It’s a start and just like me he didn’t intend to stay there. 
When he came back we started on a little home at the back of the property. 
It wasn’t much just a bedroom really with an en-suit bathroom. 
No more sleeping outdoors, not when there’s two of you, what would the neighbours say. 
We got a nicer bed and a shower with a bath. 
Here are some pictures from different angles.

We added a few counters to the kitchen and a stove so we could make proper meals now and of course a table for two.  The kitchen is still outdoors for the moment but we like it like that. 
Frank paid the bills today, they are creeping up now, §87. 
I think he was pleased with the new furnishings. 
It was nice having someone to share things with, so to bed in our new room. 

Day six

After those couple of days off it was back to the same routine, breakfast gardening and work.  But now there was two of us doing it. 
There goes Frank on his first day of work.  Frank finishes work at 3 and I start at 3 so I’m not sure when we will see each other as we don’t have the same days off.  Can’t worry about that for now it’ll work itself out.  Frank earned §238 today.  Now that there are two of us there’s not so much pressure on me to work so hard.  So I took it easy today.  Still came home with §864 though, not bad.  Between the two of us we are now worth §34,375. 
Frank took me to Bronstead and Lawry today it’s our second date.  Bronstead and Lawry is a kinda sports bar, we danced in the locker room.  Why? Don’t ask that’s where the speaker was so we danced there.  We didn’t stay long but it was still 2am when we left.  Straight home and to bed. 

Day seven

Work day for me but Frank has the day off. 
I woke first, so went to the kitchen to cook breakfast.  Our first proper breakfast, pancakes. 
They were just ready when Frank arrived in the kitchen. 
We ate together and then it was time for me to go to work.  I’ll leave you with Frank today he can tell you about the things he gets up to.  “What? No I can’t” 
“Don’t be silly Frank Karleen won’t bite.  Just describe what you’re doing, or thinking as she takes the pictures.  Start by introducing yourself.” 

Oh! ok... well I’m Frank as you know and I’m err... brave, yes that’s one of my good points but obviously not so brave when it comes to things like this.
  I’m ambitious like Juanita but you already know that too.  So err... yes well that’s what attracted me to her you know.  I like a woman who knows what she wants and goes all out to get it.  I mean you’d have to be ambitious to take on a project like this single handed.  I like that about Sims in general really.  Err... what else, oh I’m quite the athletic type, but I guess you can see that too.  I do like to keep in shape and look after my body.  Oh and the most important thing about me is family.  I want a family, two or three kids maybe, I love kids.  Juanita says she doesn’t like kids but I’m sure she will love ours.  Oh yeah she doesn’t know it yet but I want to marry her and settle down.  I’ll be popping the question real soon. 
Well I can’t stand here gassing to you all day got things to do like making this bed, feel free to follow me around.  I’m quite a handy Sim so I’ll be useful to Juanita around the place. 
I can fix most of our appliances so we’ll save on repairs bills.

I have to have a logical mind for my job so you’ll excuse me while I catch up on my reading.  Juanita will be home soon so I’ll hand you back to her.  This wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be.  We must do it again sometime.  Oh hi yes it’s me again, did he tell you all about himself?  Isn’t he a darling.  Well I’ve got to catch up on my reading too, then it’ll be time for bed. 

So yeah that’s the end of yet another week.  I can't believe it's been six weeks already.  We are now worth §34,147 and heading for §50,00, that’s our goal.  Frank finished his book so he will be getting no. two of the series soon.